
Popcorn Faith – The Power of Popcorn

I was recently asked to write about faith, mostly about ”When bad things happen, how can we still have faith?”  Well, I think it is sometimes easier to understand faith and belief when we look at it through a window that is familiar.  One of my most favorite things in the world is popcorn.  When I think of faith, I think of popcorn.  I know it sounds crazy, but give me a few weeks to explain how the two are so similar.

Popcorn has a power that many find hard to resist.  You only have to smell it and you want some right away.  I think inwardly we feel the same about faith.  When we see someone with it, we also want to have it.  Popcorn just has that power.  That is why when you walk into the movies it is the first smell you encounter.  Walk into the high school on game night and this snack siren begins to draw you in and call your name.   OK, maybe that is a little more than what you are tempted with popcorn, but not me.  I can hardly pass it up.

Popcorn and faith start as small seeds.   The Bible says even a small seed of faith can make great things happen.  A bucket of popcorn starts with a bunch of seeds but when they are done popping it is something wonderful, something irresistible and special.  Funny thing about popcorn seeds and faith, if you leave them in the bag, neither one accomplishes much.  I’ve never really seen anyone just take a handful of popcorn seeds and pop them in their mouth for a snack.  You take those same seeds and put them through a little hot oil and you’ve got something worth enjoying.

I don’t know anyone whoever popped popcorn seeds and was disappointed when they got popcorn.  You know that what you pop is what you get.  Galatians 6:7 says “Do not be fooled: You cannot cheat God. People harvest only what they plant.”  Place your faith in the right thing and you will receive a good reward.  The true question becomes where you are placing your faith.  I hope I don’t lose you in the next weeks as we talk about faith and popcorn.  They are two subjects that I love.  If you stick with me, I think you might learn something about faith and how it relates to our lives.   You’ll just have to forgive me for my love affair with popcorn.

A couple of questions for you to think through:

  1. You know anyone with some faith that makes you want to dive into their bucket?
  2. Are you ready to explore some faith that could get a little messy but really be worth the effort?