Where in the World is My Joy? #6

Joyful for a Seat at the Table

We have all gone to family dinners or just dinner with friends.  We all want to have a seat at the table when dinner is ready.  We go into restaurants and see people sitting at tables and wonder what it would be like to have a seat at that table.  After all who you sit with matters at times.  The night Jesus was arrested he had dinner with his disciples and if the painting is right there is a whole side of the table open for seating. 

If we are honest none of the disciples or us deserves a seat at that table.  After all they are dining with the Savior.  They did not know it then but would in a few days.  We know it and I know I would love to have sat there.  I also think that one day there will be another dinner in heaven.  Now that is the table I really want a seat at.  Problem is we cannot crash that table.  Jesus wants us at that dinner so he did some things to make sure we had a seat.

What Jesus did to give us a seat at heaven’s table:

Jesus Gave Up His Seat at the Table

In your lives you must think and act like Christ Jesus. Christ himself was like God in everything. But he did not think that being equal with God was something to be used for his own benefit. But he gave up his place with God and made himself nothing. He was born to be a man and became like a servant.                                                                                                                Philippians 2:5-7 (NCV)

Jesus did not hold onto heaven for himself.  He knew this feast one day was going to be out of this world.  So he decided to make a seat for us to join the celebration.  He leaves heaven to secure our seat.  He becomes one of us so that we could join him in heaven one day.  For us to be there Jesus came here.  It was in his heart to give up his place for us.

Jesus Gave Up His Life so we Could Have a Seat at the Table

 And when he was living as a man, he humbled himself and was fully obedient to God, even when that caused his death—death on a cross.                                                                   Philippians 2:8 (NCV)

A seat with your name on it, imagine that.  Jesus gave up his life so we could be there one day.  He chose to die for us and invites to come and feast.  A seat stays empty until someone sits and enjoys the meal.  The admission to the beast was more than we could ever pay and Jesus knew that.  So he pays the way with his sacrifice on the cross. 

Jesus Returns to God and the Head of the Table

So God raised him to the highest place. God made his name greater than every other name so that every knee will bow to the name of Jesus— everyone in heaven, on earth, and under the earth. And everyone will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and bring glory to God the Father.                                                                                                                                  Philippians 2:9-11 (NCV)

After Jesus secured our seat at the table He went back to heaven and is preparing our place now.  One day everyone will understand about what Jesus gave up for us to know God.  We will all kneel with reverence before the one who picked up the bill for everyone who accepts his invitation.

Jesus did this with Joy and We need to Join His Fun

Let us look only to Jesus, the One who began our faith and who makes it perfect. He suffered death on the cross. But he accepted the shame as if it were nothing because of the joy that God put before him. And now he is sitting at the right side of God’s throne.                                       Hebrews 12:2 (NCV)

This joy that Jesus experienced was the thought of us sitting at the table with Him one day.  So if we follow Jesus’ example we find joy that what we are going through is not forever but for just a while.  When we face tough days in our lives we need to remember what Jesus did for us.  He endured bad days for the joy of those days leading to a great dinner together. 

When we have those days that make us long for just somewhere to be that is joyful and good we need to remember that those days will eventually be done and who knows what we will become through them.  So, Jesus made a seat at God’s table for us.  That means we need to join him and trust in his love for us.  He has a seat for you, just trust him.