Three Steps Back, Three Steps Forward

Have you ever been betrayed by a friend?  I know what you are thinking: Please, give me a dollar for every time that has happened and I can at least get some lunch.  We all have these memories of a good relationship gone bad.  Someone we really liked or trusted just steps all over our good will.  It can really turn our world upside down and send us reeling to try to find the center ground we used to know. 

 Jesus faced this on the night he was arrested and sentenced to die.  Peter followed at a distance and watched as Jesus was dragged from court to court.  Eventually Peter finds himself standing next to a fire in outer courtyard.  Three times he is asked if he knows Jesus.  Three times he denies knowing his good friend.  The third time he swears and as he does his eyes lock with the eyes of his friend, Jesus.  Jesus looks into the eyes of a friend he shared the miracles with, the friend who walked on water with him, and the one He was going to entrust to lead this movement after He is gone.  Those eyes were broken with sorrow and pain.  Peter was broken the Bible says because of his denial.  He had turned his back on the one friend who believed in him.   

 Jesus is put to death and Peter is left with his last memory of Jesus looking at him as he denied even knowing who he is.  The Bible says that Jesus rose from the dead and shows himself to the disciples.  The third time Jesus sees Peter is on a beach near a fire where Jesus is cooking some breakfast.   Peter has fished all night and caught nothing.  Jesus encourages them to try the other side of the boat and they catch so many fish their nets almost break.   Peter swims to shore and is alone with Jesus on the beach.  Across a fire their eyes might connect again.  Peter no doubt remembers that night he denied, you know for sure Jesus does.  It is hard to forget a betrayal.  Jesus is faced with a choice of how he will react being face to face with Peter.

 The day begins like one of their first days together.  A miraculous catch of fish and an invitation to become friends and a follower.  Jesus decides to go back to a common beginning with Peter.  The first step to restoring their relationship is to remind Peter that Jesus is a miracle worker and he is a fisherman.  Jesus’ miracle has to shake Peter out of his grief over his failure on that fateful night.  Now he is just faced with the decision his friend will make.  Will Jesus keep moving towards Peter or will he let the tension hang in the air.

 What Jesus does next is crazy.  He offers Peter breakfast and then they walk down the beach and Jesus opens the door for Peter to come back into the relationship.  He asks Peter if he still loves him and will he do what God has made him to do with his life.  Peter answers Jesus three times telling him that he loves him.  As I write this a thought just hit me for the first time.  Not sure if I’ve read it or if it is just God wanting us to think about something.  Peter denies Jesus three times and then Jesus asks him three times if he loves Him.  Peter took three steps away from Jesus that night.  Peter denies Jesus three times out of fear of those around him.  Jesus asks if he loves Him three times on that beach.  Jesus is asking Peter to take those three steps back to His side.  Jesus will not hold a grudge, but He will trust, share and love Peter back to a good relationship.

 The real questions we have to face in our lives is simply this: Are we different or better than Jesus?  If He could forgive and trust again, can we?  How far is far enough that you will not forgive another person?  I know we all have a story about what has happened to us.  This whole restoration thing is a journey for each of us.  No one can walk it for us.  But, maybe in the coming weeks we can see just how much like Jesus we will strive to become.