Where in the World is My Joy #13

We Make Choices & Our Choices Make Us

Paul has pushed us to find our joy.  Well, the strange thing about finding our joy is that many times it is because of our choices that we do or do not have joy.  If you have any age on you at all you realize that you make choices and then those choices make you.  Who we are today is a result of all the choices we have made so far in our life.  So when we think about the choices we make, it is good to start to change the choices we make so that when they are done we can have joy.

Paul’s desire for us can be answered with our choices

Be full of joy in the Lord always. I will say again, be full of joy.  Let everyone see that you are gentle and kind. The Lord is coming soon.                                                                                                             Philippians 4:4-5 (NCV)

Paul and God’s desire for each of us is to have joy.  He encourages us to find joy in the Lord.  It is crazy but that “always” word messes with me.  I understand joy when things are going great, but when things go bad.  But Paul pushes us to find joy always.  But how do we do that when things go wrong or are just ordinary.  Paul says people will see our joy when we make good choices.  So, there are some things that we can choose that can help bring joy to our lives. 

Realize that worry has never fixed anything

Do not worry about anything…                    Philippians 4:6 (NCV)

If we could just recapture the energy and life that we have spent worrying in our lives, we would be shocked about what we wasted so much time on in our lives.  Worry is just borrowed trouble.  I wish I could write as someone who never worries.  But, that ain’t me.  I find myself borrowing trouble all the time. It amazes me that it does no good to worry at all. Being worked up about something has never changed how things turned out.  So if I lean in and remember that there are not very many choices we make that can wreck our lives I can find joy.  As I write those words I wonder if I will ever live by them.  I just know that I have never changed any situation by worrying about how it will turn out.

Lean into God’s peace through prayer

…but pray and ask God for everything you need, always giving thanks.
And God’s peace, which is so great we cannot understand it, will keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.                                   Philippians 4:6-7 (NCV)

Prayer.  That thing that we are taught from a young age, and yet I wonder if we truly understand what it is about.  As I have gotten older in my faith, I have begun to think that prayer is more for me than it is for God.  I think it is very good to talk to God.  Not because we bend his ear or his heart.  Prayer is laying out what you worry about before God.  It helps us think through what decisions we need to make.  When we pray instead of worry, we invite God into what we are facing.  So, my choice is to worry more or ask God to help me.  He is already involved, prayer or not, but then we remind ourselves that He has our backs.  And I can find joy in knowing that the God who made all of this is on my side.

Control your thoughts and you control your joy

Brothers and sisters, think about the things that are good and worthy of praise. Think about the things that are true and honorable and right and pure and beautiful and respected.                                                    Philippians 4:8 (NCV)

So these verses are going to be a series of posts that will come soon.  But we need to realize that our thoughts lead us to where we end up.  So, this is a list that can lead us to think in the right direction.  It is quite the laundry list of thinking right that we will jump into in the next posts.  If we would filter our thoughts through these guidelines, then our thoughts would lead to peace instead of worry and stress.

Find someone to grow and learn with

Do what you learned and received from me, what I told you, and what you saw me do. And the God who gives peace will be with you.   Philippians 4:9 (NCV)

Paul tells these people to remember what he showed them.  It is impossible to measure how much someone walking with us helps us go further.  Having someone have your back can change your life.  Who do you have that you can talk to and share anything?  Who picks you up and pushes you forward?  If we find joy, then it is not a solo journey.  Life is too hard to live alone.  So, find a person to share your journey with and celebrate your joy.  Joy that is shared is joy multiplied.  We need to experience life together.

We all need to remember more than anything that our choices in life determine how our lives go.  If I want peace and joy then I make the choice to not worry, pray instead, think good thoughts and walk with someone.  That is the key to finding peace and joy.