Popcorn Faith – Part 2 – Partnership With God


Well I have to admit as soon as I finished the last post I popped a big bowl of popcorn.  Man it was great.  I love to pop popcorn at our house.  The smell fills the house and Shelly will usually come to find the bowl to get some to eat.  The interesting thing is that you need a couple of things to make popcorn.  These two things are a couple of things that help our faith also.

The first thing, to make really good popcorn you need is oil to pop it in.  Now I know what you’re thinking.  But is oil a healthy thing to use?  Let me just say this: We are not making healthy popcorn; we are making really good popcorn.  So you need some oil in a pan.  There is a partnership created between the two.  The seeds need some heated oil to really become the popcorn they can become.  In Amos 3:3 the Bible says “Two people will not walk together unless they have agreed to do so.”  We have to be in agreement with God for our faith to really become all that it can be.

It is joining in the pan, not just oil in a bottle near the seeds that will bring about the desired effect of a bowl of popcorn.  It always puzzles me when people talk about having faith, but yet we do nothing to stay close to God.  Our faith needs to get mixed up with God to survive.  Your faith is only as good as what you choose to believe in.  Unless popcorn is put in hot oil you really got nothing but seeds.   Our faith is the same in that we need to get and stay close to God to see our faith expand.

Faith can be placed in a lot of things: family, friends, education, money, a job and sometimes just in ourselves.  These things are fine to believe in, but usually do not work for the long haul.  All of those things are temporary and will eventually either disappoint us or be gone.  That is why our faith needs to be placed in God.  If we want our faith to become something great then it needs to be based in something greater than ourselves or what we can do.  God is that something.

Now oil by itself is alright but it will not make popcorn without some heat.  Next time; we will talk about standing the heat of life until we see our faith grow.