Messy Spirituality #6 – A Messy, Long Run

We live in a time when everything is instant.  You can get in line at a drive through and have dinner for six in about ten minutes.  I loved popcorn as a kid.  My mom would pop it on the stove or in a plug in kettle.  It seemed like it took forever for it to be done.  Then came the microwave and I believed popcorn could be had in three minutes.  You get the idea; we want it now and feel as though we deserve it.

I have conversations about people’s lives all the time.  I am often asked why people cannot do better.   Why do we seem to take two steps forward and then three steps backwards?  Why can I not just order some spiritual maturity off of Amazon and have it next day delivered?  I struggle with things that I have struggled with since I was young.  I think we need to remember some things about this spiritual journey we are on with God.  There are four things we need to remember on this run to God.

We are in a marathon, not a sprint

There is the choice you can make when it comes to a pot roast dinner.  You can go to the store and buy a roast, potatoes, carrots and onions.  Put them in a Crockpot over night and wake up to a house full of roast smells and a delicious lunch.  (At least that is how a lot of my Sundays have gone.) Or, you can go to the store and find the frozen food section and buy a Hungry Man pot roast dinner and in five minutes you have a steaming plate of nuclear food.  Now, both will fill you up and make you a little satisfied.  The question becomes, which one is better?  That is our messy long run in a picture.

In Hebrews the author throws these words at us: “We have around us many people who lives tell us what faith means.  So let us run the race that is before us and never give up.  We should remove from our lives anything that would get in the way and the sin that so easily holds us back.” (Hebrews 12:1 NCV)  We need to remember that every person of faith that has gone before us has had to run a long race.  It is not a short race but a long messy run.  We need to remember that when we run out of gas and feel like there is no good reason to keep running.  We have to remember that it is not a sprit but a marathon.

Growing is experienced one decision at a time

Paul wrote in Romans 1:17, “For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, ‘The just shall live by faith.’”  Paul talks about God being revealed to us faith to faith.  That sounds to me like each decision can help us move further along in this race.  We sometimes want to just get to the finish line and be all done growing spiritually.  It doesn’t work that way.  We will keep growing until God brings us home.  But, it is in the daily decisions that are moving us closer to God’s desire for our lives.  So we need to be mindful of each step, just like running a marathon.  If you concentrate on the finish line you will miss a step and stumble.  That is why we grow each decision at a time.  So remember a decision can take you closer to spiritual maturity. 

Growing is a long walk down a hilly path

I have run a couple of half marathons.  They were fun once they were over, but it was a long hilly run both times.  We need to understand that in this journey of spirituality that it is simply a long run and the hills will come at us.  Going up a hill is no fun at all.  When I trained for the half marathons I ran around our neighborhood and it is nothing but hills.  Hills stink on the way up, but are nice on the other side.  That is how spiritual growth and life go.  Some days we are running up a hill and struggling to do good; but others day it seems like we are running downhill and it comes a little easier.  Philippians 1:6 encourages us to remember that “God began doing a good work in you, and I am sure he will continue it until it is finished when Jesus Christ comes again.”  Never let the uphill days stop you from running.

Shoot for 60% some days

We all would love to be perfect and hit 100% every day.  That is impossible.  The problem becomes that when we cannot hit 100 we get discouraged and quit trying.  We need to realize only one person has hit the 100% mark and His name was Jesus.  So what if we shoot for 60% and leave it at that.  We need to offer ourselves that same grace that God offers us.  He understands the long, messy run we are involved in.  So keep running and realizing that God will be there cheering you on as you progress in this messy, spiritual life.

Our lives will be messy and at times make no sense at all.  That is why we keep putting one foot in front of the other.  The goal line is out there and we need to strive to grow stronger each step of the way.  Be patient with yourself and listen for God’s cheers as you grow stronger and a little less messy each decision and step of your race.