Messy Spirituality #2 – What Does Messy look Like?

Messy is one of those things that is not easily defined.  I am amazed at what some people consider messy.  I know that we are even more amazed at the mess some people live with every day.  Our house growing up was not messy at all.  I remember one day going to fix some tile work at a house with my step-father.  The house was super messy.  He looked at me and said he would divorce my mom if his house looked like this.  It stuck with me.  My mom always wanted her house clean and not messy.  It has always stuck with me.

We have to remember that messy is a relative term for sure.  My mess may drive you crazy or just shrug your shoulders.  Messes are not universal, but sort of individualized.  My mess might just be your best day.  Your messiest day might be a day I will never forget.  With that being said we need to stop and ask, “What does messy look like?”  Here are three thoughts about what messy looks like.

Unpretending and Honest

There is this tricky verse from Romans that has always reminded me of the mess that I am.  “As the Scriptures say: ‘There is no one who always does what is right, not even one.’”  These verses remind me that I am a mess, just like everyone else.  We need to start our journey with God knowing that we are a mess.  We have to quit pretending to have it all together.  Let’s be honest and admit that we don’t have it all together.  That most days we are hanging on by a thread and it is pretty frayed and skinny.  We need to be honest and not put up a front for others.  That is what religion is supposed to be about.  The worshiper must come before God and gather with others without a back story and some honesty about who we truly are.  Maybe you need to just stop for a minute and just say out loud “I am a mess, but it is okay.”  We might as well quit pretending, we are not fooling anyone.

Unfinished and Growing

Messy means we are not what we want to be yet, but still growing.  The writer of Hebrews put it this way: “Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we’re in. Study how he did it. Because he never lost sight of where he was headed – that exhilarating finish in and with God he could put up with anything along the way: cross, shame, whatever. And no he’s there, in the place of honor, right alongside God.” (Hebrews 12:2 MSG)  We are encouraged that until we are finished there will always be a mess.  I’ve done some remodeling around our house and church.  There is a question that always hits me when I’m half way done.  Why in the world did I start this project?  That is the thing about messy spirituality; we will not be finished nor done growing until we are dead.  So get used to continuing growing and not being finished.  Become comfortable with your lack of comfort.  Jesus’ example shows us that we need to keep growing or we stop becoming more like Jesus and maybe a little bit less of a mess.

Desperate and Reaching

When Jesus walked around teaching people would mob him.  One of those times an older lady reached out to touch his coat.  When she touched him she was healed from a twelve year disease.  Matthew 9:20 – 22 tells the story and when Jesus feels her touch he reaches back to her and heals her.  You see that is the thing about being messy; it makes us desperate for something to go right.  It leads us to reach out to Jesus and begin our healing.  So, if we are going to live a life with meaning and difference making we need to stay desperate and reach out to God.  So we must embrace our mess and realize that in our mess is where God shines the brightest in our lives.

Messy, looks like a person who knows they are a mess that is growing each day in their desperation for God.  It is the desperation that we find our hope and healing.  Lean into your mess and let it lead you to a closer relationship with God.