Wrestling with God

This morning I was reading in Genesis and was struck by a story I read.  It is the story of Jacob returning home to meet his brother Esau again.  The background of the return is Jacob basically taking Esau’s birthright and then stealing Esau’s blessing from Isaac.   But that was years before and now Jacob is returning home after at least 14 years of hiding from his brother.  He is going home and is still scheming a way to trick his brother so he doesn’t end up killing him.

As the family travels, Jacob and his wives and sons, he splits them into groups so that as Esau approaches him he is hopefully softened by the gifts Jacob is offering.  Jacob even puts his wives and kids in front of him and goes back across a river to spend the night.  During the night a man grabs Jacob and they wrestle.  They wrestle all night and the man cannot overcome Jacob, nor can Jacob overcome the man.  Before the sun rises Jacob asks for a blessing from the man, who is sent from God.  The man tells Jacob no longer are you going to be known as Jacob (deceiver is one translation of the name) but you will be known as Israel (wrestles with God).   Quite a name change for a guy who has lived by hook and crook his whole life.  Jacob’s name is not only changed but he is changed. 

That got me thinking about something that I want to share with you.  Jacob was changed not because he won the wrestling match.  He did not receive a prize; in fact he ends up crippled for the rest of his life.  He is truly changed because he wrestled with God.  I began to wonder how long has it been since I wrestled with God.  I pray, but how long since I really tried to grab God and hold on until I experienced a change in my heart.  I have experienced that it is in the conflict with God that I am changed the most.  Not necessarily because I receive what I want, but that I am challenged to change. 

After the wrestling match Jacob could chose: will I be a deceiver still or will I be changed by this time with God.  We have the same opportunity.  Will we actually wrestle with God over whom we are or will be content to stay the same?  I am committing to wrestle with God and not just go through this life without the growth that comes from struggling with whom I am and who God is.  I think he wants us to be serious enough about our faith and life to sweat it out a little or a lot depending on what God wants to do with us.  Get on the mat and wrestle for all you are worth.